Call 911
Call 911 if a child is in immediate physical danger.

Need something else?

You can report bullying behavior or incidents between public school students on or off school property. You can also report bullying that occurs between public and private school students.

Bullying is behavior that is intended to cause some kind of harm and is directed at a particular person or group. It is usually repeated over time.

Bullying can take many forms and includes:

  • Intimidation and aggressive behavior
  • Taunting someone because of their race, color, ethnicity, national origin, citizenship/immigration status, religion, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, weight, or disability
  • Online harassment ("cyberbullying")

Bullying violates the Department of Education (DOE) discipline code. DOE will investigate all reports of harassment, discrimination, and bullying and work with families, teachers, and others in the school community to address it.

Anyone can report bullying involving public school students. You do not have to be a parent, student, or DOE employee.

Report bullying:


Make a bullying complaint.

If you want to file a complaint online and need help, the DOE School Safety hotline can help you navigate the web form.

By Email

By Phone

Call 311 or 212-NEW-YORK (212-639-9675) for help.

In Person

Speak with the school’s staff or Respect-for-All Liaison.

Anonymous Complaints

DOE reviews and addresses anonymous complaints regarding bullying.

You can report bullying anonymously, but you are encouraged to provide your contact information so the DOE can follow up with you about your report.

Students have the right to be in a safe and supportive learning environment, free from discrimination, harassment, and intimidation.

The School Discipline Code establishes standards for student behavior and what the Department of Education does to address bullying and bias-based behavior.

Learn about the DOE's rules and policy on bullying, discipline, and student behavior.

The United Federation of Teachers (UFT) provides assistance with combating bullying in public or private schools.

The BRAVEline hotline provides counseling and bullying intervention strategies. All calls are confidential.

Call 311 or 212-NEW-YORK (212-639-9675) for help.

If the child who is being bullied is enrolled at a charter school, file a formal complaint at the school.

Learn how to make a formal complaint at a charter school.

If the child who is being bullied is enrolled at a private or parochial school, file a complaint with the school directly.